- to survive
- to keep on my sanity
Reflexões que faço para não enlouquecer. Algumas são curtas, outras são estúpidas, e algumas outras são curtas e estúpidas. Whatever... Eu só quero me livrar de tanta coisa no meu peito. Se é curta ou estúpida, fica a critério do leitor. Enjoy it!
domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014
sábado, 29 de novembro de 2014
De santa eu nada tenho, nem mesmo o nome.
Apenas pecadora, como sou, sigo nessa caminhada.
Não posso dizer que vivo um dia de cada vez.
Às vezes eu vivo dias vindouros, com todas as dores que estes podem ou não me trazer.
Sinto dores fora de hora... Sinto dores antes do tempo...
Outras vezes eu vivo várias vezes o mesmo dia, remoendo, remexendo, revirando, dissecando cada detalhe do dia, bom ou ruim.
Sinto dores que já não doem mais.
Sinto dores que não existem mais...
Sinto dores que nunca existiram...
De Deus espero o perdão, e ajuda para não tropeçar na mesma pedra.
Corpo fraco que tenho, mente fraca que tenho, pessoa fraca que sou...
De Deus espero a providência que me livrará desta pedra na qual vivo tropeçando e caindo.
A libertação, a superação, a vitória sobre essa fraqueza.
De santa só há em mim a fé que carrego.
Apenas pecadora, como sou, sigo nessa caminhada.
Não posso dizer que vivo um dia de cada vez.
Às vezes eu vivo dias vindouros, com todas as dores que estes podem ou não me trazer.
Sinto dores fora de hora... Sinto dores antes do tempo...
Outras vezes eu vivo várias vezes o mesmo dia, remoendo, remexendo, revirando, dissecando cada detalhe do dia, bom ou ruim.
Sinto dores que já não doem mais.
Sinto dores que não existem mais...
Sinto dores que nunca existiram...
De Deus espero o perdão, e ajuda para não tropeçar na mesma pedra.
Corpo fraco que tenho, mente fraca que tenho, pessoa fraca que sou...
De Deus espero a providência que me livrará desta pedra na qual vivo tropeçando e caindo.
A libertação, a superação, a vitória sobre essa fraqueza.
De santa só há em mim a fé que carrego.
sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2014
Pouco me importa!
Já me cansei de tanto perder a paz,
e levo esse despeito porque já me importei demais...
segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014
Eu tenho fugido do inverno por tanto tempo que agora eu sinto falta do frio.
Sinto falta da brisa gelada, do céu cinza nublado...
Sinto falta da monocromia do inverno.
Sinto falta do cheiro de café quente e a fumaça acentuada pelo frio.
Eu sinto falta de ficar debaixo do cobertor, enquanto inalo a fumaça quente do café que eu não vou beber, e um filme bobo e romântico passa na TV.
Sinto falta da música melancólica que toca na minha alma quando é inverno, e da nostalgia que me inunda nos dias frios.
Eu fugi do inverno só pra descobrir que o inverno também mora em mim.
sábado, 22 de novembro de 2014
I'm in love indeed.
But I'm in love with myself.
Because in the end, on this Earth, I'm the only one who is not gonna abandon me.
I'm the only one who needs me.
I'm the only one who depends on me.
I'm the only one who really cares about me.
I'm the only one who can really understands me, the one who really knows all the reasons behind my actions.
I'm the only person who is never going to abandon me because I truly love me.
Is not because I'm jealous or insecure that I'm going to abandon me.
Any other person can abandon me because of that. Actually they did. All of them abandoned me because I'm not perfect.
I loved them, but they abandoned me.
Some of them said that they really liked me, but the couldn't stand someone like me. Because I'm too much... so they just go away.
But I won't.
I won't leave myself alone.
I will not abandon me because I'm not perfect.
And even if I hated myself, I wouldn't go away from me... Where can I go?
I'm the only one who belongs to me.
I love myself... and this love is old.
Is not something new that someone might not trust because is at the beginning.
No... this case of love between me and myself is as old as I am.
So yes, I'm in love!
And I'm gonna take a better care of me from now on.
But I'm in love with myself.
I'm the only one who needs me.
I'm the only one who depends on me.
I'm the only one who really cares about me.
I'm the only one who can really understands me, the one who really knows all the reasons behind my actions.
I'm the only person who is never going to abandon me because I truly love me.
Is not because I'm jealous or insecure that I'm going to abandon me.
Any other person can abandon me because of that. Actually they did. All of them abandoned me because I'm not perfect.
I loved them, but they abandoned me.
Some of them said that they really liked me, but the couldn't stand someone like me. Because I'm too much... so they just go away.
But I won't.
I won't leave myself alone.
I will not abandon me because I'm not perfect.
And even if I hated myself, I wouldn't go away from me... Where can I go?
I'm the only one who belongs to me.
I love myself... and this love is old.
Is not something new that someone might not trust because is at the beginning.
So yes, I'm in love!
And I'm gonna take a better care of me from now on.
sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014
quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014
alive and kicking
I don't think love is dead.
I refuse myself to believe in such thing.
Actually I'm the living proof that love is still alive, because I love you.
terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2014
Shakespeare disse que devemos dar a todos os nossos ouvidos, e a nossa voz a poucos.
Tenho dado meus ouvidos a todos, mas com isso meu coração tem ficado comprometido.
Eu escuto de tudo, e tudo entra no meu coração; bom ou ruim as coisas entram e se forem más causam danos.
Como posso aprender a ouvir as pessoas sem me sentir mal?
Como ouvir palavras de mágoa, rancor, ódio sem que seu coração seja atingido?
É necessário saber ouvir a todos, de modo que as palavras não machuquem seu coração.
Como posso ensinar meu coração a ouvir?
segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2014
beyond what I see
Eu não posso ficar sozinha por muito tempo.
A solidão me faz ver coisas que não existem, e talvez pior que isso, me cega para coisas que estão bem em minha frente.
Para mim é muito pior não ver algo que existe, do que ver algo inexistente.
Ver o inexistente poderia ser considerado fé para muitas pessoas.
Agora não ver o que existe, é só cegueira mesmo.
domingo, 16 de novembro de 2014
sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014
to do list # 2
Eu tenho uma fila de livros esperando para serem lidos, uma lista de filmes esperando para serem assistidos e uma fila de amores esperando para serem vividos.
Exceto pelos amores, o restante é tudo verdade.
Na verdade, nada é verdade nisso que acabo de dizer.
Pois livros não esperam para serem lidos, filmes não esperam para serem assistidos e amores nunca esperam para serem vividos.
O amor urge.
quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2014
giving up # 2
Jesus disse que devemos viver um dia de cada vez, e que basta a cada dia o seu mal.
E disso criamos lemas e ditados para nossas vidas: viver um dia de cada vez.
Eu hoje tive a certeza de que sou poeta, não praticante, mas ainda assim poeta.
A poesia habita em mim, e eu escolho despejá-la fora, ou gotejá-la que seja, através de umas poucas palavras.
Quando não faço isso, as palavras transbordam de mim, e derramam-se gota a gota aliviando minha alma, mas não saem em forma de poesia ordenada, saem mais como um acidente mesmo.
Eu decidi hoje desistir da poesia.
Uma poesia por dia... Mas quem se importa?
Um dia de cada vez, como já disse, às vezes é demais.
Às vezes é necessário viver uma hora de cada vez, um minuto de cada vez, um suspiro de cada vez...
E por hoje eu decidi desistir da poesia.
Do amanhã nada sei.
Mas hoje, por hoje, eu desisti.
quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2014
terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014
I was thinking about Ireland today.
I spent 6 days completely alone.
Well, not all alone... God was with me.
But I didn't have any human company.
No friendly face.
No friendly voice.
When I tried to call my family, I couldn't. The phone didn't work.
6 lonely days...
Funny thing, it wasn't the loneliest period of my life.
But it was very hard, being in a foreign country completely alone.
Everything I've seen, everything I wanted to share with someone, I had no one to talk with.
I've seen one of the most beautiful views of my life, and no one was there to appreciate it with me.
The same loneliness, sometimes, comes to my heart.
I think I'm doomed to live alone... Coz no one sees what I see...
No one sees the world as I see.
It's pretty lonely my view.
domingo, 9 de novembro de 2014
scary fairy tale
He told her he likes her a lot.
He said he is going to travel thousands of miles to see her, and he said he would wait for her.
She, on the other hand, is feeling like in a fairy tale.
This guy, which whom she is already in love even though she never touched him, is coming to see her.
He is coming to touch her for the very first time.
She is waiting.
They seem to love each other.
But like every fairy tale, things start to get ugly before they are happy.
Before the famous "happily ever after", everything goes wrong, and they have to fight monsters and witches.
This one was not different.
There is a witch, who wants the hero no matter what. This witch wants to steal our hero from our princess!
This witch wants to destroy their love, and she hates the princess so much.
Like in every fairy tale, the witch hates the princess.
The hero, since he is the hero, he has to fight the witch and a huge monster.
One problem is that the hero doesn't understand how dangerous the witch can be. He thinks he is just a stupid woman and just by avoiding her, she is gonna give up on him.
The other problem is that the monster is inside of the princess.
He should kill the monster while they are waiting to touch each other.
Like in every fairy tale, the hero has to fight and win the battle agains the witch and the monster before having the princess.
But in this fairy tale of ours, there are real problems:
- One: the monster is inside of the princess, and he can't touch her. What if he kills the monster and kills the princess, since the monster is inside of her? What if to kill the monster he must to kill the princess as well, because the princess and the monster could be one, or could be the same person, so if you kill one you will kill the other as well?
- Two: how can the hero kill the monster from thousands of miles away? Since they can't touch each other, how can he fight the monster from so far away?
- Three: the princess is ceasing to exist, because no one from the hero's world knows about her, so since they don't know about her, she is ceasing to exist. So it is like she never existed. It is like she doesn't exist. The monster inside her is eating her from inside, so she is disappearing.
The hero should hurry up because his princess is about to leave this existence.
Either he kills the monster inside her, or she would cease to exist.
What is gonna happen in this story?
Will the hero be able to save the princess?
Is he gonna kill the monster in time, so she is gonna finally becoming to exist?
Will the princess cease to exist, so they will never meet in real life?
I don't know what is gonna happen...
The end is scaring the hell out of me.
He said he is going to travel thousands of miles to see her, and he said he would wait for her.
She, on the other hand, is feeling like in a fairy tale.
This guy, which whom she is already in love even though she never touched him, is coming to see her.
He is coming to touch her for the very first time.
She is waiting.
They seem to love each other.
But like every fairy tale, things start to get ugly before they are happy.
Before the famous "happily ever after", everything goes wrong, and they have to fight monsters and witches.
This one was not different.
There is a witch, who wants the hero no matter what. This witch wants to steal our hero from our princess!
This witch wants to destroy their love, and she hates the princess so much.
Like in every fairy tale, the witch hates the princess.
The hero, since he is the hero, he has to fight the witch and a huge monster.
One problem is that the hero doesn't understand how dangerous the witch can be. He thinks he is just a stupid woman and just by avoiding her, she is gonna give up on him.
The other problem is that the monster is inside of the princess.
He should kill the monster while they are waiting to touch each other.
Like in every fairy tale, the hero has to fight and win the battle agains the witch and the monster before having the princess.
But in this fairy tale of ours, there are real problems:
- One: the monster is inside of the princess, and he can't touch her. What if he kills the monster and kills the princess, since the monster is inside of her? What if to kill the monster he must to kill the princess as well, because the princess and the monster could be one, or could be the same person, so if you kill one you will kill the other as well?
- Two: how can the hero kill the monster from thousands of miles away? Since they can't touch each other, how can he fight the monster from so far away?
- Three: the princess is ceasing to exist, because no one from the hero's world knows about her, so since they don't know about her, she is ceasing to exist. So it is like she never existed. It is like she doesn't exist. The monster inside her is eating her from inside, so she is disappearing.
The hero should hurry up because his princess is about to leave this existence.
Either he kills the monster inside her, or she would cease to exist.
What is gonna happen in this story?
Will the hero be able to save the princess?
Is he gonna kill the monster in time, so she is gonna finally becoming to exist?
Will the princess cease to exist, so they will never meet in real life?
I don't know what is gonna happen...
The end is scaring the hell out of me.
quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2014
segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014
I've been told more than once that I am brave.
I've been traveling alone, facing challenges that many men would run away from them.
But so far I never truly realised how brave I am.
I am brave indeed.
But not because I traveled by myself while most people needs company.
I'm brave because I show my face without mask in a world full of masked people.
Como se já não me fosse suficiente toda a crise existencial que enfrento nesse exato momento, resolvi assistir a um filme sobre filosofia, o que me deu ainda mais razões para crises...
domingo, 2 de novembro de 2014
Somente quando você precisa fazer sua vida toda caber em algumas poucas caixas é que você se dá conta de que é mais importante ser do que ter.
Se isso não for verdade, ao menos serve de consolo...
10 para 10
olhei e faltavam exatas 10 visualizações para 10 mil...
eu nunca imaginei que alguém me lerei tanto assim.
sinto-me estranha.
e eu não sei quem são vocês, ou você... pretensão minha achar que mais de uma pessoa me lê.
mas não pode ser uma só... caso contrário, você me leu 10.000 vezes e ainda não se cansou de mim.
geralmente as pessoas se cansam de mim depois de 10 minutos...
mas por alguma razão que eu desconheço, 10.000 vezes me leram.
secret # 2
Eu caminhei por toda a bagunça da minha vida segurando você na tela do meu computador.
E eu te olhava e me perguntava o que você pensaria se pudesse ver toda a bagunça que eu escondia.
When I die, could you please put all my things together?
Not too many stuff.
I have only my books and my dignity. So, please, put them all together and make a huge bonfire.
No one cares for books anyway, and my dignity is not gonna be necessary anymore.
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